Store. Protect. Deliver
Web Sites

The Problem

  • Expecting traffic? Need the bandwidth and infrastructure to support it.
  • Security of having machines externally accessible.
  • What supporting technologies are needed?
  • Who is going to watch all this?
  • Have a new idea that you want to try without building everything new?

    IT Brief-Case™

    Not only is it a consideration of what is needed to start, but also scaling. One has to expect that your site will succeed. We want you to succeed and grow. Having your web site down reflects badly on your business. Did you try hosting internally and have a power outage over the weekend? What's the cost of two days of lost sales? What are the costs associated with the licensing for supporting technologies like a database and application server?

    Solved @ VSands

    Virtual~Sands can help at all levels.
    • Small scale shared hosting,
    • Access to application servers and databases.
    • Flexibility on platform: Unix or Windows
    • Scale and migrate from shared environment to dedicated.
    • Secure channels for commerce.
    • Will work with to manage the level of "touch" you want. Updates? Database tables? or Hands off. Whatever level you are comfortable with.